District-wide Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention & Innovative Heart Health Learning Collaborativese
- HIT in Care Management - Best Practices to Support Care Plans and Shared Decision-Making
This session reviews the best practices and opportunities to leverage HIT to support care plans and shared decision-making, a priority from the HIT assessment. The session includes a discussion on best practices for care plan development, implementation into workflows, and ongoing use for communications and updates. Participants are encouraged to identify opportunities for improvement at their organization.
Speaker: Jodi Pekkala, MPH, Principal, Health Management Associates
- AmeriHealth Caritas - Resources to Support Care Planning
In this session, AmeriHealth shares care management programming initiatives to support heart health with members and opportunities for alignment with providers to coordinate care planning activities. Participants are encouraged to think about partnership development to support patient-centered care.
Speaker: Rosalyn Carr Stephens, RN, MSN, Corporate Clinical Director, Population Health Clinical Operations, AmeriHealth Caritas
- Intended Audience: All Heart Disease and stroke stakeholders including community-based organizations, Health System QI leads, care coordinators, and clinical providers