AHL Project
Since 2021, DC Health’s Office of Health Equity (OHE) has led the Advancing Health Literacy Project (AHLP) funded by the Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, in collaboration with internal DC Health partners including the Community Health Administration (CHA), and the Office of Communication and Community Relations (OCCR). The AHLP also leveraged work funded by the CDC, launched in parallel, that was focused on addressing health disparities in the community by enhanced engagement of residents in COVID-19 vaccine acceptance. With an overall goal of improving organizational, professional, and individual health literacy in the District, project goals included:
- Establishing Health Literacy Goals for Healthy DC aligning with Healthy People 2030 objectives
- Launching an Advancing Health Literacy Learning Collaborative comprised of community based partners and an evaluation team
- Collaborating with Community Based Organizations and co-creating an Organizational Health Literacy Model and Toolkit specific to community-based organizations that are not traditional health organizations
- Building a Health Literacy Practice Change and Learning Support Portal
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