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Living Well DC
Living Well DC
Let’s Go Go DC Take charge of your health with tips and support from DC Health. Visit Go Go DC!


Hand reaching for an inhaler

Asthma (AZ-ma) is an on-going lung disease that causes your lungs to swell, making it hard to breathe. Squeezing and swelling in your lungs can result in symptoms such as, wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing. Mucous or fluid is released from the lungs making it even harder to breathe. Remember, there are many things that cause asthma and people react differently.

A doctor can confirm that a person has asthma through exams and testing. Though asthma is a disease that does not go away, there are many ways to handle it. There are meds to control symptoms for the long term and can treat an asthma attack. It is important to see a doctor often and to follow an asthma care plan.

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